2023 Little Reddie Leanganook Pinot Grigio
Look - we don't often include Pinot Grigio (also known as Pinot Gris) at Ok. Wines and that's generally because they're dime a dozen at big bottle-os.
That said - when made well they're totally delicious, and there are many plantings popping up all over Australia which means our smaller winemakers have easier access to this variety - so we do occasionally let one slip past for you guys to try!
With notes of cut granny smith apple, pear, citrus blossom and lemon tart, the mouthful has just a touch of generousness to make this an all kinds of occasion drinking. It can be drunk on it's own, but that slight fleshiness makes it excellent with food too.
Where: Dja Dja Wurrung Country - Bendigo, VIC
When: 2023
What: Pinot Grigio
How: Spaghetti Carbonara. Oh yes, oh my.